Sunday, March 25, 2012

Time to be CREATIVE

After whiling away hours on Pinterest (so addicting) I kept coming across colorfully lettered quotes that I really enjoyed. Wow! I wish I could do that. I like to doodle. I like Calligraphy and I like catchy sayings and quotes that make me go hmmm.... I found an online class filled with tutorials of just what I was looking for. I have to learn to be looser with my writing style but I love the color and all the different techniques and seeing what others have accomplished so far. Here are some of my projects so far: The class can be found HERE if you want to sign up. $$$ well spent! Thanks, Joanne Sharpe!

This is my Letter Love Book all snazzy'd up.
Letter Love Journal
My mantra
Lesson 3

LLove Lesson 4

LLove Lesson 4

Lesson 5

Getting some color on. I used panpastels for the first time. Pretty cool stuff!

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