Sunday, March 25, 2012

Time to be CREATIVE

After whiling away hours on Pinterest (so addicting) I kept coming across colorfully lettered quotes that I really enjoyed. Wow! I wish I could do that. I like to doodle. I like Calligraphy and I like catchy sayings and quotes that make me go hmmm.... I found an online class filled with tutorials of just what I was looking for. I have to learn to be looser with my writing style but I love the color and all the different techniques and seeing what others have accomplished so far. Here are some of my projects so far: The class can be found HERE if you want to sign up. $$$ well spent! Thanks, Joanne Sharpe!

This is my Letter Love Book all snazzy'd up.
Letter Love Journal
My mantra
Lesson 3

LLove Lesson 4

LLove Lesson 4

Lesson 5

Getting some color on. I used panpastels for the first time. Pretty cool stuff!

Time to put on those walking shoes

Spring is here and winter is officially over (not that winter really made it's presence known here on Long Island this year).  Time to get some spring cleaning done and that is what I was doing last weekend.  This weekend was back to getting some play time in.  One day was spent with some photographer friends at Wertheim National Wildlife Refuge where I enjoyed watching a few osprey hunting fish.  There was also a pair busy at nest building.

The trails are easy and it was nice weather for a good walk with friends